Teaching Delivery 1: Group Dynamics
ONLINE – THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30PM
This workshop is mandatory for UTQ/BKO candidates, but we invite all interested SBE teachers to join us. Colleagues who already obtained their UTQ following this workshop can be rewarded with CPD hours. For any questions about this workshop feel free to contact the Learning Academy.
About the course
This workshop in the teaching delivery series focuses on how tutors can facilitate the social processes in the PBL classroom that enable students to learn together effectively. We will explore challenging teaching moments, develop tools, and best practices for navigating challenging situations. These moments include, for example, tutoring a group with a range of prior knowledge, managing conflict between students, and encouraging everyone to participate.
After completing this workshop, you will:
- Identify critical moments for managing group dynamics.
- Diagnose different challenges to group dynamics.
- Apply a range of activities for fostering effective group dynamics.