What is the PBL & Tutor training
The Problem-Based Learning (PBL) & Tutor Training is a mandatory training for all new tutors that provides them with knowledge about PBL and the role of the tutor as implemented at SBE.
After this training, tutors will be able to:
- understand and apply the pedagogical principles behind PBL;
- effectively guide small tutorial groups towards self-directed learning;
- deal with challenging situations in the tutorial group setting;
- provide effective feedback to students.
This blended learning programme runs in periods 1, 2, 4 and 5. Note that we encourage tutors to take the training prior to the period where they are teaching. If tutors are not able to attend the training for the period in which they will start tutoring, they are required to follow the next training!
The first part of the course always takes place the week before the first tutorial week (week zero).
In week zero tutors follow the module on Canvas to get a better understanding of PBL and submit three short reflective assignments. The online module will be available throughout the training for registered tutors but the assignments are due by the beginning of week one. Tutors attend one face-to-face session (they can choose a date that suits them and sign up on Canvas) focusing on topics such as what being a tutor means, communication with students and with course coordinator(s), managing expectations and dealing with sensitive situations. This sessions is aimed at preparing tutors for the first tutorial in week one.
Tutors are paired up at the beginning of the period and will perform one tutorial observation for their peer at an agreed time, followed by a written reflection to be submitted by week seven.
In weeks three or four tutors sign-up for a second face-to-face session. This session focuses on discussing experiences and potential challenges with PBL, including role-play simulations and discussions.
After going through all the components of the blended PBL & tutor training, tutors receive their certificate.
Having the PBL & Tutor Training certificate is mandatory for all staff members who want to start their University Teaching Qualification (UTQ / BKO)
Frequently Asked Questions
YES ! The PBL & tutor training is mandatory for all tutors independent of your function !
NO ! With the PBL & Tutor Trianing you lay the basis for your teaching career here at SBE. It is therefore expected that you participate in the PBL & tutor training before you start with your UTQ / BKO.