professional development in the field of education
engage in lifelong learning
SBE supports all staff involved in designing and delivering education in the development and the further improvement of their teaching competences. This is achieved by helping out UTQ-qualified teaching staff to engage with Continuing Professional Education (CPD). Engaging in professional development yields various benefits.
CPD: a tool for efficiency and impact
CPD at SBE is deisgned to make you day-to-say easier and more effective, not to add more to your plate. Imagine spending less tine on administrative tasks through training on innovative digital tools or learning how to streamline grading with new techniques that allow you to focus more on teaching and student engagement. CPD activities focusing on leveraging the righ skills and knowledge can help you save time and energy, allowing you to tackle your workload more effectively.
Seamlessly integrate CPD into your work
SBE has structured CPD in a way that fits naturally into your current schedule. Whether you are looking for quick, on-demand online modules (think of Goodhabitz) or in-depth workshops that align with your course planning, there are flexible options available. Some CPD activities can even integrate directly with your teaching responsibilities (think of peer observation sessions, that not only enhance your teaching skills but also provide valuable feedback).
Tailored CPD for your professional growth
At SBE we believe in autonomy and personalisation when it comes to professional development in teaching. You have the freedom to choose activities that align with your professional interests and goals, whether it is enhancing your teaching techniques, developing leadership skills, …
Career advancement and job satisfaction
CPD is not just about maintaining your current role; it is also an investment in your future. Engaging in professional development open doors to career progression, in line with UM’s vision on recognition and reward.
Collaborative and collective development
Professional Development at SBE is more than just an individual pursuit. It is a shared responsibility that benefits the entire academic community. You will gain from engaging in activities that are collaborative, fostering teamwork and collective problem-solving. (Education days help by each department, SBE Education Festival, …)
Charactheristics of CPD
Meet the Mentors

As of AY 2021- 2022, all eligible employees should devote 16 hours to CPD activities (independent of your teaching load). The hours undertaken in CPD are compensated for financially, in teaching hours, thus providing you with the opportunity to focus on development during ‘teaching time’ and allowing department to hire additional staff or make other arrangements as necessary.
As long as they meet requirement of CPD! Check the alignment of the activity with the teaching competences and your specific needs, and engage in discussion with your CPD mentor.
CPD mentors provide you with support when it comes to recommending appropriate CPD activities and advise in planning what you want to learn, develop, and achieve.
To support your reflection, you can use the following questions to start the reflection process:
- What CPD activity or activities have you completed in the last year?
- Why have you selected these activities? Refer to the three teaching competences.
- How will/ have you applied the learning ot the workplace?
- Would you recommend this activity to other colleagues and why?
There is no formal assessment for CPD activities. During your annual appraisal talks, you will reflect on your CPD goals and activities as well as plan for the fututre with your line-manager. You should keep an overview of the CPD activities you have undertaken and recod these with your line-manager during appraisals.
Activities that are a requirement for usual work task or commitment ( such as course development or maintenance, staff meetings, training for specific roles such as mentors and board of examiners, or any other compulsory training courses) do not count as CPD.