Marloes Menten MSc.
Marloes is the head of the SBE Learning Academy. With extensive experience in faculty development, PBL, course and curriculum design, assessment, and mentoring, she coordinates educational projects, aiding teacher professionalisation.

Manon Jacobs
ERD Department Manager
Manon is the administrative support for the SBE Learning Academy. Department Manager by day, DJ by night, Manon is your first point of contact behind the address.

Dr. Inken Gast
Assistant professor
Inken is an experienced educational researcher, trainer, coach, and teacher. Her research focuses on the professional development and well-being of academics, educational innovation and skill development of students in higher-education. Her work has been pusblished and presented in leading educational journals and conferences. She combines her passion for positive psychology with her research. She is the coordinator of the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ / BKO) and is involved in various educational innovation projects at SBE. Expert in PBL, Inken is often invited to provide trainings worldwide on course design and teaching delivery in PBL. She also welcomes delegations of other univerisites interested in PBL in Maastricht.

Dr. Therese Grohnert
Assistant Professor
Therese's research focuses on creating supportive learning cultures and fostering learning behaviours for improved judgment and decision-making in professional services. She is also the programme leader for the MSc. Learning and Development in Organisations, with 10+ years of teaching experience. As a member of the SBE Learning Academy, she focuses on effective group dynamics in PBL, students’ skill development, course design, and thesis supervision. In line with her research, she focuses on creating meaningful learning experiences and environments. Her motivation is to enable students to become motivated and curious lifelong learners.

Dr. Alexandra Mihai
Assistant professor
Alexandra has a strong background in technology-enhanced learning and learning design and a passion for faculty development. As an experienced educational developer, she has valuable expertise on aligning objectives with blended and online formats. She is the coordinator of the PBL & Tutor training. She is also doing research on the role and functioning of Centres for Teaching and Learning. Alexandra strongly believes in the power of communities and peer support in educational development and sees herself as a connector, curator and facilitator.

Dr. Laurie Delnoij
Assistant Professor
Laurie is a trainer and assessment specialist at the SBE Learning Academy, providing workshops and coaching to implement assessment of, for, and as learning. As thesis coordinator for the MSc. Learning and Development in Organisations, she also provides training on master's thesis supervision. Her research focuses on assessment, evaluation and measurement in higher education and in the workplace. In higher education, her interest lies in implementing assessment to serve the curriculum, contribute to student success and remain organisable for teachers, andstudent evaluations of teaching. In the workplace, she investigates how assessment and performance evaluation can contribute to professional development. Laurie is also chairing the SBE Assessment Committee.

Dr. Bas Giesbers
Assistant professor
Bas has 20+ years of experience as educational designer and trainer with a focus on technology-enhanced learning, and course and curriculum development in online and blended settings. Bas co-coordinates the UTQ / BKO for SBE and is involved in the delivery of several workshops. He teaches in the Bachelor and acts as coach and thesis supervisor for the MSc LDO. He participates in research to evaluate the collaborative educational design methodology developed by the LA. Other research projects he is involved in include the use and development of Learning Analytics, Gamification in education, the improvement of Student Evaluation of Teaching, and the development of feedback methodologies that extend rubrics.

Wendy Nuis MSc.
Assistant Professor
Wendy is an educational researcher, coach and teacher at the department of Educational Research and Development. Within her research, she focusses on the role of mentoring and coaching programs for developing students’ reflective abilities and employability competences. She published her work in renown educational research journals and presented her work at various national and international conferences. Moreover, Wendy is a passionate teacher and coach within various bachelor and master courses within the faculty. Amongst these courses, she coordinates a competence-based coaching trajectory and is part of various cross-faculty mentoring and coaching taskforces. Within the Learning Academy, she is mostly involved in the UTQ / BKO activities.

Prof. Dr. Wim Gijselaers
Full professor
Wim holds the chair of the Department of Educational Research and Development of SBE. His research interests include Leader Indentity Development, Organisational Learning, Team Learning, and Expertise Development. Previous research projects include: understanding the impact of learning culture on professional performance and team decision making, leadership behavior and team learning, and cognitive approaches to leadership development. His educational development work focused on the further development of PBL in Business Education. Next to teaching in the LDO Masters, he teaches as visiting professor at the University of Bern. Wim is a member of several international advisory boards of Institutes for Higher Education in Europe. He served positions as Programme Director of International Business, and Associate Dean of Education. Wim is also affiliated with the consulting firm Talent Miles (based in Helsinki), presenting workshops on topics of Innovation and Change.

Dieuwertje Van Dijk MSc.
Educational Developer
Dieuwertje's mission is focused towards teacher professionalisation. With a background in Learning & Development, as well as (organisational) psychology, Dieuwertje is responsible for the development of the Advanced Course Coordinator Training (ACCT). She is also involved in the UTQ/BKO programme, and is the mentor of the Educational Research and Development Department and mentor of the Teacher Academy.

René Bräuer MSc.
PhD Candidate, Global Citizenship for Sustainable Development
René is a creativity researcher and SBE's global citizenship coordinator, focusing on transdiciplinary education and developing creative competencies of students and staff.

Pelin Karslioglu MSc.
Educational Developer
With a diverse background in educational sciences, music, performing arts, opera singing, and human resources, Pelin has over 20 years of experience as a teacher in various educational settings where she also held school management and leadership roles. As a lifelong learner, Pelin holds two master’s degrees one of which is from the University of Groningen in Educational Sciences. Pelin is involved in programme alignment trajectories and facilitates various workshops together with her colleagues in the Learning Academy.

Freddy Schwoerer MSc.
Educational Developer Focusing on Technology Enhanced Learning
Freddy brings a unique mix of project management experience from IT Consulting and a background in psychology and decision science; to bridge the gap between technology and learning within the faculty. As the go-to person for technology-enhanced learning, he advises on tech in Problem-Based Learning.